Muppets on motorcycles do more than turn heads on Vancouver Island

Published on September 12, 2024, 10:41 am

Published by South Island

Spotting Muppets on motorcycles may surprise some motorists on Greater Victoria streets while others recognize Animal (the wild drummer puppet) on a Harley hunkering down at the red light behind them. It’s likely Crofton man Scott Ferron, on a toy run or headed for some other community endeavour. After all, he doesn’t don the Muppet helmet unless necessary, the beast is a hot and heavy costume. “People like to wear them for events, not for every day. It’s not exactly a light thing to wear on your neck, especially at highway speeds,” Ferron said. “I’ve become this Animal character, it’s now kind of expected, but there are 30 or 40 different ones now.”

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