Grocery stores reducing plastic bags in stores

Published on July 31, 2019, 5:27 pm

Published by BC Local News

Is it safe to skip plastic produce bags when grocery shopping? Many people have recently shifted away from using plastic produce bags in order to be more environmentally conscious. While it may seem like the more sustainable choice, it also has unsanitary drawbacks. Traditional grocery store carts have been found to have 73,356 colony-forming units (CFU) per square inch. That's about 361 times more dirty than a bathroom doorknob. Grocery store conveyor belts are also bacteria hubs, as the PVC material it's made of is porous, meaning it's hard to clean and bacteria-filled. It's also important to take into account how many staff and customers have already touched the food item you're purchasing. Instead of going bagless, which increases your foods exposure to all these things, it's best to bring a re-usable bag. Re-usable mesh, nylon and cotton bags will allow you to avoid plastic waste and decrease germ exposure. No matter what method you decide on, the most important thing is to properly clean your fruits and veggies before eating them. (The Canadian Press)

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