6 Signs You've Gotten Too Much Sun

Published on July 17, 2018, 10:18 am

Published by Okanagan Region

6 Signs You've Gotten Too Much Sun 1. Sunburn This is probably the most obvious, but for some people it can take hours to show signs of a serious sunburn. Be sure to apply proper sun block. 2. Dehydration Make sure to drink plenty of water. If regular water isn't your thing, coconut water and sports drinks will help replenish your electrolytes. 3. Feeling lightheaded In an effort to cool you down, your body reroutes blood from your brain toward your skin. Dehydration can have a hand in dizziness as well. 4. Fever UV rays can cause inflammation, leading to a fever. If your fever reaches 105 degrees F, you should seek medical attention. 5. Nausea If your nausea is coupled with headache, fever or chills, go to the hospital. You could have heatstroke. 6. Heat rash This uncomfortable skin condition occurs when the protective layer surrounding our skin's bacteria clogs the sweat glands and makes perspiration impossible. Moisturizer, loose clothing and a cool breeze can help the painful rash to subside. (The Canadian Press)

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